2021年度秋学期のSEKISUI HOUSE – KUMA LABレクチャーシリーズは「ポスト・デジタル」をテーマとしました。ポスト・デジタルとは、デジタルテクノロジーが遍在化し当たり前となった状況を指す用語です。そこでどのような建築の美学が現れるのか、ポスト・デジタルの時代に活動を開始した建築家、アーティスト、ファッションデザイナーの方々と議論を行いました。
シリーズ第2回目はMIT建築学部准教授で、デジタルテクノロジーを使って石造建築のアップデートを探究するBrandon Cliffordさんのレクチャーを実施しました。
Brandon Clifford “Terrestrial / Celestial”
場所:Zoom Webinar
Brandon Cliffordさんについて
Brandon Clifford is a time-traveler who develops creative approaches to the world’s most pressing problems. He identifies contemporary blind-spots by mining ancient knowledge that holds resonance with topics of today.
Brandon is the director and co-founder of Matter Design. He is also an associate professor and director of the MArch program at MIT. Brandon received his Master of Architecture from Princeton University and his Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Georgia Tech. Brandon is a designer and researcher who has received recognition with prizes such as the American Academy in Rome Prize, a TED Fellowship, the SOM Prize, the Design Biennial Boston Award, and the Architectural League Prize for Young Architects & Designers.
His most recent authored work ‘The Cannibal’s Cookbook’ demonstrates his dedication to bringing ancient knowledge into contemporary practice with theatrical captivation. His work at Matter Design is focused on re-directing architectural research through spectacle and mysticism. Clifford’s speculative built works continue to disrupt common practices and challenge default solutions.