
Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1987, Sasada graduated from Kyushu University, Faculty of Design in 2011, studied at ETH Zurich, Switzerland in 2012, and completed his graduate studies at the University of Tokyo in 2013. After working at Jun Aoki & Associates, he become co-director ULTRA STUDIO from 2020, and also work as an research associate at Jun Aoki Laboratory, Tokyo University of the Arts from 2021.


Q1: How are you collaborating with SEKISUI HOUSE-KUMA LAB?
A1: Guest critique of 2021 Autumn Semester Hirano Studio

Q2: What is in your photo?
A2: Part of a bookshelf at work.

Q3: Please let us know if the photo contains something worth mentioning.
A3: 本田晃子『天体建築論 レオニドフとソ連邦の紙上建築時代』(東京大学出版会、2014)

Q4: Tell us about your recent interests.
A4: Listing BBC news in podcast.

Q5: How do you want to be part of SEKISUI HOUSE – KUMA LAB? What do you expect of KUMA-LAB?
A5: Having more international events, lectures, and joint studios.